Friday, October 10, 2008

I did it

Did what? Turned on the heat this morning. I didn't want to do it until the end of October, but this is what we woke up to this morning, and my hands were icy cold:

Whoa, it's snowing! I think we had fall for less than two weeks, and there are still leaves on trees. A couple of days ago, temps were in the high 70's. And now we're told to expect this storm to last all weekend.

I was hoping we could get down to Yellowstone this weekend, but it looks like we'll be hibernating instead!


Gabriel Florit said...

yeah, it's been snowing in anchorage for the last week or so. didn't expect it so soon.

i'm moving to boston! in 3 weeks!

Margaret said...

I noticed that you guys were in for a winter storm this past weekend. How is Montana with snow?