Wednesday, October 15, 2008

bozeman bits & pieces

Hi! The weather is back to beautiful after our weekend-long snowstorm. In fact, most of the snow has melted, except for on the mountains, which look quite stunning now.

I feel a bit scattered right now (bits & pieces). Josh will be home in a little while, and then we will be on the road to Great Falls, which is about 3 hours north of us. Josh has a music educator's conference, and I will tag along so I don't get lonely! Plus, I love going on trips, and my work is portable. It will be like a working vacation.

I did a lot of grading yesterday. I was telling Josh how I went to Border's and graded essays for 6 hours straight. "I didn't even stand up once!" I said triumphantly. I thought he would be so proud of me, but instead I think he was a little bit horrified.

So after the grading marathon yesterday, I've been spending today getting ready for our trip: doing a lot of laundry, some dishes, and baking some bread:
See? Doesn't it look delicious? It is! And so easy!

One of the best parts of being done with classes, I've discovered, is having the time (and the desire!) to read for fun again. You'd think I went into English because I love to read, right? And I used to. But there is something about taking English graduate courses that... kind of kills that love. But now it's back! I'm reading In Cold Blood now, finally.

Here's a Bozeman story for you. Quite often we see homeless people standing by busy intersections or entraces to stores like Wal-Mart, holding up cardboard signs that ask for money. Last weekend, in the middle of the snow, we drove by two people holding signs. One of them had a snowboard on her back. She held a sign that said, "Got food and a job. Need lift ticket."

I'm thinking of standing in an intersection with a sign that says, "Got food, a home, a husband, a job--please pay my student loans???!!!"


arlo said...

Oh, the bread looks tassssty, Sarah!
I hope you're enjoying your trip with Josh. I've been thinking of you lots lately - trying to figure out a way to come visit b4 Christmas... but I haven't worked that one out yet.
How I miss you.
The other day we were talking about peacocks and zebra's with Taeda, and we asked him if he remembered going to the zoo. He said, "Yes, with Sarah and Josh." I'm so glad he remembers you both.

arlo said...

P.S. The above comment was posted by Heidi K. B.